Tarrasch is an extremely easy to use free chess program for Windows. Tarrasch comes with a free database and chess engines, (including Stockfish and the demo versions of Houdini and Komodo), so you get everything you need to enjoy computer chess with one simple download. Click here to download Tarrasch for Windows.
Tarrasch Version 3 is a capable and full featured chess program. If you've only seen old versions of Tarrasch (2016 and earlier), you'll love Tarrasch's slick database facilities, tabbed workspace, sharper/resizable/colourful graphics, improved large file support, much faster editing.
Tarrasch is designed to to make it as easy as possible to perform some basic chess activities;
- Play a game against a chess engine, with either color, from any position, with a time handicap if desired.
- Setup an arbitrary position and get the engine to analyse that position. View and play through the analysis provided by the engine.
- Create and edit .pgn files (standard chess documents). Enter variations easily (just make moves anywhere). Enter and edit comments easily (just click anywhere and start typing). Promote and demote variations and even comments (so comments can change to moves and vice-versa – great for picking text off a website).
- Explore chess openings and navigate easily through large chess databases.
- Search chess databases for positions, patterns and material balances.
Last Update: 21st January 2021